Most employers will be aware of debate currently surrounding employee mental health. A recent survey of 44,000 UK workers revealed many had experienced poor mental health in their job. But only half of those affected had spoken to their manager about it.
So, what does this mean for you as an employer? Firstly, there may be liability if staff have problems and you have done nothing to help them. This means it is important to do something. Secondly, it makes good business sense to help staff. With the right support you get happier, healthier, more engaged and productive employees
Try to ensure your people managers are equipped to recognise early signs mental ill-health. They are often most likely to see early signs of poor mental health among workers. With the right skills and tools in place, they will have the ability and confidence to have helpful conversations. They can get involved when needed, and signpost to additional support if necessary.
As an employer, you could consider:
• Providing guidance and information
• Offering training in identifying mental health issues
• Provide access to an external advisor for confidential conversations
• Formulate a general policy on employee mental health
• Make sure that staff get regular 121 meetings, to monitor their wellbeing
If you need any additional help in this area, then please call on 07841 068727 for an informal and free conversation.