Difficult Conversations (Part 2) Personality Profiling

Personality profiling to help with recruitment and selection.

To avoid those difficult conversations clearly good recruitment is a must. Having established the benefits of using a Person Specification to gain clarity on the type of person you want to recruit, most employers will then proceed to base their assessment on a face to face meeting. The typical interview can be a difficult experience when faced with a nervous candidate with little to say; or worse, the not uncommon problem of a prospective employee who is somewhat economical with the truth.  Unfortunately it is estimated that up to a third of interviewees lie during an interview – and that’s just the ones prepared to admit it!

So, with the challenge to find out whether you are getting the right person for the job are there any better alternatives? One approach increasingly used by employers is to use personality profiling. Using highly scientific techniques such profiles can measure the fundamental building blocks of personality. The resulting reports can provide great insight into how people think, feel and interact in ways that may be productive or counter-productive for your organisation. These describe an individual’s typical interpersonal behaviour, thinking style and ways of coping with stress. The reports can offer invaluable information when deciding whether a candidate is right for your business.

Additional reports can be obtained that include preferred Team Roles, Leadership, Subordinate and Selling Styles, and Career Themes. Reports focussing on competencies and emotional intelligence are also available. Profiling assessments are often undertaken online, making them simple to administer and highly cost-effective. Their real value is to gain a genuine understanding of candidates, in a way that most interviews never could.

If you would like to discuss how personality profiling could vastly improve your recruitment success rate then call now on 07841 068 727 for an informal conversation; or contact us for more details.


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